Comparing nub implementations.

Posted on February 1, 2019

This post was inspired by this medium blog post and the following discussion on reddit.

There was a lot of discussion about big O performance. But zero numbers, which was sad so here we go.

Recapping the nub function.

nub :: Eq a => [a] -> [a]

It’s really simple. We take a list and remove any duplicates.

Ideally this is also stable. Meaning if two elements compare as equal we only keep the first one.

Not all of the implementations play by these rules. Some relax the requirement to keep the first or don’t keep the elements in order at all.

What/How do we benchmark?

In order to get a bunch of strings I took a ghc dump and split it into words. So the spirit of the code is something like this:

bench words size =
  bench "name" $ whnf (length . nub*) (take size words)

length is only there to make sure we have evaluated the whole structure of the list. This avoids the overhead of nf which would be traversing all strings completely which would only distort the results.

I also skipped length in one variant to check the performance in the case of laziness, but it’s not that interesting.

Which nub* variants are we looking at.

base - Data.List.nub

This is the “worst”, but also the most general version as it only requires an Eq instance.

It keeps a list of seen elements, and checks for each new element if it compares as equal.

+ Lazy
+ Only Eq required
+ Stable
+ In base
+ Fast for small lists
- TERRIBLE for large lists
- O(n^2) runtime

containers - Data.Containers.ListUtils.nubOrd

Instead of using a list to keep track of seen elements it uses a Set. This means lookup only takes log(n) time instead of n making it a lot better.

+ Lazy
+ Only Ord required
+ Stable
+ Still fairly general
+ Decent performance

ST-Based hashing variant from the blog post.

Instead of using a list of seen elements it builds up a hashmap which then gets collapsed into a list.

The version of gspia is slightly faster but has the same advantages/disadvantages.

+ Faster than regular nub
- Strict
~ Requires Hashable
- Disregards element order completely, `(nubSpence ["ZZZ","z"] == ["z","ZZZ"])`


In a true edwardkmett fashin it’s very interesting and very undocumented.

He made some comments here explaining how it works.

I expect that it would perform well for something like Int. But for this case the runtimes where beyond disappointing.

- Requires a `Grouping` instance which isn't common. Eg `Text` doesn't have one.
- Seems to suffer from very high constants for the case tested (String).

Relude functions

A comment on reddit pointed out that relude contains a variety of n*log(n) nub functions. The benchmark included:


nubOrd is a good default.

Contraindications: * Your lists are Int. I’m sure there are better implementations for [Int], eg nubInt. * You already have hashable instances. The hash based ones are slightly worse for smallish lists but otherwise better. * All your lists are <20 elements: Just us regular nub. * All your lists are > 500 elements, AND you will evaluate the whole list: Might be worth the trouble to write a hashable instance.

Use a hash based version for long hashable lists.

After about 500-1k elements these became generally faster than the ord based ones. The largest difference I saw was a factor of about 2. Which is a lot, but depending on your code this might still be acceptable when compared to implementing hashable/additional code.

/u/theindigamer on reddit pointed out that deriving Hashable is another good way to make this more attractive.

Other bits

I would have expected Data.Discrimination.nub to do better. Maybe I did something wrong. Maybe the constants are just pretty high for this usecase.

I did NOT check how these perform in combination with list fusion, so that might matter for some code as well.

You can also look at the criterion output for my notebook here.

It was generated from the code here.


While this is titled Bechmarking I would not qualify it as a reliable benchmark by any metric.

I still think it gives a decent idea, but take it as what it is and not a ultimate judgement.

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